5 Types of Freedom You Can Gain as an Entrepreneur

The hardest part of working in the healthcare industry was always working the schedule my department needed. 12-hour shifts, nights, weekends- they had to be covered and whenever I was the least senior nurse on the floor, I knew my schedule would be far less than ideal.

The freedom to work when, where and how I want (around my kids’ schedules, at my dining room table, in my pajamas) has been the absolute best perk of working for myself. I don’t have to miss holidays and other special occasions or try to find a switch when I need off for an appointment.

I’ve heard from so many people that having both parents working a typical 9am-5pm job is just not doable for most families. Without making some serious sacrifices or having dependable and reliable people to help out, you risk missing out on major moments in your children’s lives and feeling completely chaotic as you navigate time-off for illnesses, appointments, sports practice, and more.

I created this list of the types of freedoms you gain when you ditch your corporate job and enter the world of entrepreneurship.

  1. Freedom of Time

Probably one of the most important types of freedom, because it is the one type of currency you can’t get back. Once it’s gone, it’s gone and you only have a finite amount of time on this Earth so you better make the most of it. 

As a business owner, you can choose to work on your business as much or as little as you wish (of course, knowing that the more time you put in, the more opportunity for financial freedom. More to come on that). 

As a mom, I choose to work around my kids schedules, meaning I work when they sleep for their naps and at night. This works for me so that I don’t have to worry about childcare but other business owners might do things differently! 

2. Creative Freedom

As a virtual assistant, I choose to work on projects that I enjoy, not just whatever will give me a paycheck. 

Working for yourself, you don’t have to follow the rules and regulations of a typical company and you definitely don’t have to take part in office politics or bureaucracy. 

3. Lifestyle Freedom

Want to travel the world? Work from a remote island or your family RV? You have unlimited options to create the life you want. 

4. Freedom of Relationships 

Whether you are a solopreneur or have hopes of employing a large team, you have the power to create relationships with people you enjoy being around.

No pesky boss breathing down your neck and no coworkers that suck the life out of you. That sounds pretty nice, right? 

5. Freedom of Purpose

The most important type of freedom is living a life that is inline with your values. Being able to choose the work you do and the audience you serve is sure to bring you more peace and happiness. That type of fulfillment can only come from doing a job you are passionate about. 

Living in line with my values and being able to use the creative parts of my brain again has significantly improved my quality of life. It is empowering to have a business that you built out of nothing and fulfilling to know you are impacting the lives of many.

If having more freedom is part of your goals, consider starting a business you can call your own.


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