Showit Sales Page for Business Coach for Female Entrepreneurs
Chloe is a business coach for women in the process of starting their own business. With her experience in marketing and PR, I knew her sales page had to show the depth of her experience so that her potential clients understood the value she could give them as their coach.

Sales Page in a Day
Search Engine Optimization
Modern Retro Chich
Colorful, Professional, Organic, Artsy
Business Coach for Female Entrepreneurs
This page makes you want to start a business, just so you can work with Chloe.
This Showit sales page for West Haven Coaching was designed to promote a free download available to help women go from “scared to EMPOWERED as you start your business.” This visually appealing and engaging page offers business coaching services to women.
The branding for West Haven Coaching was designed by Viola Hill Studio and was so fun to work with. From the beautiful mid-century modern colors to the organic feel of the elements and patterns, this page has a beautiful flow that captures the readers attention and makes them want to learn more.
The sales page was customized to reflect the Chloe’s branding and message, and features several clear calls-to-action that prompts visitors to download their free guide. Reading the copy, you can understand Chloe’s beliefs and how she can help transform your career.