10 Essential Habits for a Healthy Business

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Running a successful business takes mental and physical agility. While it can require a lot of hard work and dedication, there are certain habits that can help you stay on top of your game. 

When I set out to start my own business I knew I would be facing a lot of unknown challenges but I had no idea just how much habits and mindset would be what helped me most to push through times of adversity. 

I quickly realized that entrepreneurship requires an incredible amount of discipline. Gone were the days where I would put my kids down for a nap and binge-watch HGTV, scrolling through Pinterest and Zillow to plan out my future dream house.

No, instead, I had to plan for every minute of naptime if I wanted to accomplish anything for my business that day. I started with that habit first, then added on small changes week by week as is recommended by James Clear in his book Atomic Habits. (If you haven’t read it yet, it’s a game changer for business owners!). 

I continue to add on new habits and routines all the time in order to optimize my productivity, energy, and happiness. From embracing a growth mindset to implementing morning routines, this article dives into the essential habits that can help you maintain the health of your business. By the end, you'll understand how small changes can make a big impact on the success and longevity of your company.

Set Goals with Deadlines  

I am a big believer in goal setting. It’s how I got through nursing school and it’s how I run my business as a virtual assistant, coach, and web designer. 

Some people get overwhelmed by goals so the key is to start small. What can you actually achieve in a short amount of time? Don’t think about next year or next month. Think about today. 

Set goals for your own growth. Your health and wellness. Your finances. Your mindset and growth. 

Set goals for your business separately. These goals should go beyond financial goals. I love how The Professional Mom breaks down business goals into 5 different categories: Income/Profit goals, Customer service goals, Product/Service goals, Productivity and Motivation goals, and expansion goals.

Write your goals down and give yourself a firm deadline. If you give yourself an infinite amount of time to complete a task, it will never get done. 

Get Outside

Sometimes you just need to stop thinking about your business for a minute. Nature has a wonderful way of clearing your mind and that sunlight can give you the energy boost you need to tackle the rest of your tasks for the day. 

In a perfect world I would leave my phone at home but my husband gets mad at me when I do that (for safety reasons). I try to walk in silence and take in all the sights, sounds, and smells of being outside. Some of my best ideas come to me when I allow for white space during these walks. 

You could try going for a bike ride or drive with the windows down if that’s more your speed. Though I love listening to podcasts, I try to avoid listening to anything on my airpods when I take this time for myself.

Turn Off Notifications

I don’t do this often enough but when I really need to get something done in a short amount of time, I put my phone on Do Not Disturb. My computer even has a focus timer that turns off notifications and includes reminders to take a quick break after 20 minutes. 

I recently listened to a podcast episode from Pursuing Her Purpose that talked about the importance of taking breaks using the Pomodoro method, especially for tasks you dread doing. 

Essentially you work for 25 minutes at a time and allow yourself a 5 minute break in between. This allows you to better focus on the task at hand and the fact that you know your dreaded work will be done in a matter of minutes, it makes it easier for you to push through until it is done.

Most tasks take less time than you think to complete so this is a great strategy for those not-so-glamorous backend tasks that you can’t stand. 

Get My Workout In First Thing In The Morning

This is a luxury for some, I realize, but I quickly learned that if I don’t workout before the kids get up, it doesn’t happen. Then I stress about when I’ll be able to get it in at other times of the day. 

Along with this, I try not to check my phone until my workout is complete. I am so easily distracted by social media so I know if I check my Instagram notifications before I exercise, I may put off my workout until its too late and the kids are ready to get out of bed.

Research shows that sleep and stress levels are improved when you workout first thing in the morning. You get that early morning dopamine rush and metabolism boost that encourages you to continue making healthy choices throughout the day.

I know for me, the days that I workout first thing after I wake up, I eat a nourishing breakfast and feel full a lot longer, meaning I am less likely to snack on convenience items and junk food (hello oreos!!). 

Drink Plenty of Water

When I don’t drink water enough, I don’t think straight. I’m working on my nutrition but my water intake has never been a problem for me. 

To make this easier, I always bring my Reduce Water bottle with me anytime I leave the house. Having access to water at all times throughout the day is the best way to make sure you get enough for your body’s needs.

And when you run out of water as you type away at your keyboard, take the two minutes required to fill up your water bottle. Stretch your legs and take your eyes off the screen for a few minutes. These short breaks are so important, especially when you’re working from home. 

Plan for Meals and Snacks

Along with drinking enough water each day, you should absolutely be nourishing your body with foods that sustain your energy needs throughout the day. This has always been a challenge for me because I have a serious sweet tooth but even adding a vegetable to my breakfast and making sure I eat protein with every meal has been a game changer for me. 

When you’re hungry, you’re not going to be doing your best work. Plain and simple. 

When I know I’m headed for a busy week ahead, I order meals from HelloFresh. This means less meal planning and grocery shopping which saves me time and brain power.

Practice Gratitude

This might sound a little woo-woo to some, but truly, taking a few minutes each day to be thankful for what you have and how far you come can elevate your mood.

Some days I give thanks for the success of my business, my supportive friends and family, my clients that put their trust in me, and my children who bring me so much joy. 

On the more challenging days when it feels like nothing went right, I give thanks for simple things (that are really big things in my opinion) like running water and electricity. Like how amazing is it that we can get water that’s safe to drink by turning on the faucet? Not everyone has that luxury. 

Want to know an even better strategy? Writing your gratitude practice down! Another thing I am working on this year is journaling and this is a great way to start. You’ll find that the more you practice gratitude, the easier it will be to find things to be grateful for. 

Pray About My Business and My Clients

Maybe you’re not a believer, but asking a higher power in your life for guidance in decision-making for your business can be cathartic and empowering. 

Post Consistently

This was one of the hardest habits to get into when I first started my business. I often questioned, what’s the point of writing a blog no one reads or talking to 10 followers on Instagram? 

That continued practice gave me the confidence to continue showing up and putting myself out there. I am a firm believer that people by from people, not businesses, and by giving people a small glimpse into my brain, my business, and my life, they feel connected to me in a way that makes them more likely to want to work with me. 

Not to mention, the SEO benefits of posting consistently on your website are phenomenal. It takes time and commitment to consistently create content to share with the world but if you can rank on the first page of Google or Pinterest with your offers, you’re bound to convert a passive audience into a paying one. 

Find more of my SEO tips here

Never Stop Learning

Last but certainly not least, I make a conscious effort to always continue learning new skills. In my early days as a virtual assistant, I almost never turned down a job offer. I was always honest with my potential employer if their assignment was something I had never done before, but 9 times out of 10, they were willing to teach the right person how to do the job.

I learn from my clients, other virtual assistants, business owners who aren’t in my niche. I learn from podcasts, webinars, YouTube videos, and books. There is so much information out there that if you really want to succeed as a business owner, you’ve got to keep learning. 

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Some of these habits may seem self-explanatory, but in order to run a business as a solopreneur, I’ve got to be feeling my best. The days I skip doing one or more of these, I can really sense a difference in my mood and enthusiasm.

I’m always a work in progress, but being consistent with these things have greatly improved my mood and energy, even when I was still in the early stages of postpartum. I hope they will help you, too! 

Is there anything you would add that works for you?


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