52 Empowering Mantras for Business Owners

Empowering mantras for business owners

If you’re a business owner, you know that it takes more than a really great product or service to have true success. Running a business sometimes feels like an emotional rollercoaster- sometimes you feel elated at all you’ve accomplished and other times you want to give up.

When you commit to working for yourself, especially as a solopreneur, you take on all of the behind the scenes responsibilities, whether you enjoy them or not. Even as a naturally positive and optimistic person, I still find that I need to change my perspective in order to keep my stress levels under control.

Whether you’re a seasoned business owner or a newbie entrepreneur, adding these positive affirmations to your daily routine can not only boost your mood, but also give you the motivation you need to push through the challenges and tribulations you may face. 

I’ve curated this list of 52 mantras for small business owners to use in all the different phases of business because mindset is a huge aspect of running a business. From just getting started, to planning for growth and the more difficult times there is hopefully a quote that you can resonate with.

For getting started: 

You did it! You started the business of your dreams, helping and serving people in ways that only you know how.

The beginning of any business comes with a lot of pivots, roadblocks, and self-doubt but using these mantras will help propel yourself forward so you remember your purpose and don’t feel stuck being an employee.

  1. I am capable of creating the business of my dreams. 

  2. I deserve to start this creative endeavor.

  3. I can use knowledge and skills gained from my previous jobs to make this business thrive. 

  4. I have the power to pivot in any direction I see fit.  

  5. I am worthy of taking the time to do something I am passionate about. 

  6. I get to choose the path I take in this life. 

  7. I am in charge of finding my own path. 

  8. It doesn't matter who believes in me, as long as I believe in myself. 

  9. I deserve to live a life in alignment with my core values. 

  10. My career goals are unique to me.

  11. Researching will not get me anywhere. I need to put my plan into action. 

Business Mantras Getting Started
Business Mantras Getting Started
Business Mantras Getting Started

For Growth: 

We all want our business to grow and the truth is, sometimes that doesn’t exactly happen on the timeline we hoped. Try not to criticize yourself and use these mantras to remind yourself you are both worthy and capable of success.

  1. Money is not the only measurement of success. 

  2. I am capable of creating a business that financially supports my family. 

  3. I will not let my limiting beliefs hold me back.

  4. I will not let feelings of imposter syndrome stop me from putting work out into the world. 

  5. I can only control what I can control. 

  6. There is no reward without risk. 

  7. I believe in my product/service. 

  8. My customers need what I have to offer. 

  9. The possibilities for my business are endless. 

  10. I can acknowledge what is scary and still push through. 

  11. My expertise is worth sharing with others. 

Business Mantras for Growth
Business Mantras for Growth
Business Mantras for Growth

For the Hard Times: 

There is no doubt you will face hard times as a business owner. Maybe your products aren’t selling or your message isn’t getting to your ideal clients. Whatever the challenge, know that you can get through it. 

No successful business has experienced only success. The key is to keep persevering even if it feels easier to quit.

  1. I can face any challenge. 

  2. This is a speed bump on my journey. 

  3. My failures do not define me.

  4. I will get through this hard time.

  5. I will not let others make decisions for me. 

  6. I will not let criticism from others hold me back. 

  7. There is no such thing as failing, only lessons learned. 

  8. Quitting is not an option.

  9. I will not let comparison prevent me from being my authentic self. 

  10. I can face this challenge one small step at a time. 

  11. All challenges lead to growth. 

  12. I can’t fail if I don’t quit.

  13. It doesn’t get easier. I get better. 

  14. Obstacles and challenges give me strength. 

Business Mantras Hard Times
Business Mantras Hard Times
Business Mantras Hard Times

For Rest: 

The life of a business owner is go, go, go. Add on your other responsibilities of mother, friend, and wife, and you may feel like you barely get a moment to yourself. Did you know that self-care is sometimes the best way to help your business succeed? 

When you take time for yourself you allow for creativity to flow more easily and you may be surprised at what a 30-minute walk outside can do for your outlook. Try including self-care into your schedule and use these mantras to remind yourself that you are worthy of it!

  1. I have the power to create a timeline that works for my life. 

  2. I am on my own schedule. 

  3. I am worthy of rest.

  4. Rest promotes creativity. 

  5. I can take breaks when my energy is low. 

  6. I am allowed to create boundaries for myself. 

  7. I deserve to be happy. 

  8. Meditation will bring clarity to my inner desires. 

  9. Being active outside will bring me positive energy. 

  10. I can’t serve my clients if I don’t first serve myself. 

  11. I am in control of how I feel every day. 

Business Mantras for Rest
Business Mantras for Rest
Business Mantras for Rest

For Gratitude:

Practicing gratitude has tremendous benefits on your overall health and wellbeing, and that includes the health of your business! This article from Harvard Health says, “gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.”

Gratitude helps you be able to live in the present moment and have more clarity as you make important decisions. You may not have the time to mindfully journey every morning but simply thinking positive thoughts of gratitude can do wonders for your mood.

  1. I am grateful for my clients who see value in my work.

  2. I am grateful for my family who give me the time and space to create. 

  3. I am grateful for the support of my friends and family. 

  4. I am grateful to have a passion that can also support my family. 

  5. I am grateful for my freedom to choose what is right for my business.

Business Mantras for Gratitude
Business Mantras for Gratitude
Business Mantras for Gratitude

As you reflect on the goals for your business, I recommend incorporating at least one of these mantras into your weekly planning and strategy work. Having goals is important, but feeling confident and positive about the outlook of your company is key to experiencing success. 

Remember, you believed in yourself enough to start this entrepreneurial journey so you have more than enough power and drive to keep it going. Incorporating positive affirmations and gratitude will take you that much further. 


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