Why Outsourcing is Good for Business

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I get it. You’re a busy mom. A business owner. Maybe you’re just starting out and think you can’t afford to hire. The real question is- can you afford not to?

Choosing to outsource when building a small business can be one of the hardest decisions you make. Maybe it feels like you just started making money, yet you feel so overwhelmed with tasks you aren’t able to grow and scale your business.

You probably chose to start your own business because you want to be your own boss- to be in charge of your time, your schedule, your day-to-day functions. While starting to get your business off the ground, you realize just how much work is really involved and you quickly feel overburdened and burnt out.

Nearly every discovery call I have had with a potential client has started the same:

- “I am stretched so thin”

-“I have so many ideas, I just don’t have the time to get anywhere with them”

-”I don’t even know where to start”

Here’s an exercise…

Write down what you do every hour of the day for a full week. Seriously, write down every little task, work-related or not. Did you spend 30 minutes perusing your email inbox, maybe responding to a client or two? How about the 45 minutes scrolling through Instagram researching trending songs for reels? Or messaging other influencers asking if they would be willing to review your product?

Once your list is complete, spend five minutes reviewing your list and putting a star next to the tasks that only you can complete. I am almost positive at least half of your list will have assignments that can easily be delegated.

If you’re having trouble letting go of small assignments because your business is your baby and “how can I ever trust someone to be as thorough and detail-oriented as I am?” Trust me, I get it.

But remember, outsourcing doesn’t have to come in the form of hiring a virtual assistant right away. Maybe you just need someone to come and clean your house once a week or make a few meals for you. Maybe you need to hire a babysitter so you can get a few uninterrupted hours of work done without having kids hanging at your feet. These small changes can make a HUGE difference. 

And once you feel the relief of having just one task off your never-ending to-do list, it might open your eyes to seeing what the future of your business could like with more help.

If you could use help in your business with Squarespace Website Design, Blog and Pinterest Management, or Podcast Editing and Management, check out my Services Page or Contact me here.

We aren’t made to do motherhood or life alone, so why would running a business be any different?   

Looking for an easy way to outsource? Try using HelloFresh.

When you sign up using my link, you get $$ off, and I get a $10 referral bonus.

Check out other tools I use to create a more easy workflow on my Resources page, linked here.


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