The Importance of Feeling Fulfilled in Your Life and Career

I never considered myself a self-help enthusiast but since becoming a mom, I devour content about what I can do better. How I can be a better mother, friend, spouse, employee, business owner, child of god and just a better person overall. How I can feel healthier in my body, mind, and soul? I find it uplifting and empowering.

But who’s standards am I measuring myself up against?

Becoming a mom made me realize I had to let go of trying to live up to other people’s standards. Stop the comparison. Stop the imposter syndrome. Stop the noise clouding my vision for how I wanted my life to look.

Focus on what I want my life to look like. Focus on what makes me happiest.

The key is to look at fulfillment as a journey, not a destination.

You won’t wake up one day and think “I’m here. I made it.” The moment you do that is the moment life is going to throw a curveball at you, just to bring you back to reality. Finding fulfillment is an ongoing process. You’ll have times when you are searching for it in every nook and cranny. You’ll have times when you feel it all around you.

happy family

I feel it most in the middle of the day, taking my kids for a walk outside. How lucky am I that I get to do this? That I can support my family by working from home and still have time to enjoy these little moments.

The truth is, you will never “get there” if you don’t slow down, listen to your intuition, and go out and get what you really want out of life. Not want the internet tells you to want. Not your family, your friends, and certainly not social media.

You may find fulfillment in lots of places. You may find it in one place in particular. Strive to do more of that thing. Do it well and do it often. You might fail along the way, I know I have, but failing is okay! As long as you are failing toward fulfillment.


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