Why I Went From Podcast Listener to Podcast Manager

I’ve always been a jack of all trades, multi-passionate type of person. When people think of me they don’t think, “Wow, she sure knows a lot about soccer” or “Man, that girl sure talks a lot about skincare” or “Maggie? The one who’s obsessed with advancing her career as a nurse?”

No, I don’t have that one “thing” people know me by. Nursing and podcast editing are my professions. Wife, mom, and daughter are the roles I play in my family. Crocheting and walking are things I like to do in my spare time. But none of those roles individually ever defined me.

Perhaps you wouldn’t describe me as multi-passionate, at all. Perhaps I simply haven’t yet found that one thing that lights a fire within me. What I do know is I love helping people.

I never thought I would start my own business because I am not a performer by nature. I don’t get a high from being the center of attention and I definitely don’t excel at it. I am not good at public speaking and I don’t find that I am particularly well-spoken. My husband would say I get performance anxiety- I totally freeze up when I am put on the spot and get that shaky, sweaty feeling almost instantly.

One of the most embarrassing moments of my life…

In fact, my debut acting performance would be considered one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.

I was in 8th grade at a new school taking a theater class as an elective. I liked going to plays so this class would just be about learning about the art of theater, right? Yes and no. My teacher somehow convinced me to try out for the play and I landed the role of wife of Baron Elberfeld.

My one line was “shhh.” You heard that right, not even a real word, more of a sound. But guess who totally missed her cue and forgot that one line? Me. I did. I think I blacked-out up on that stage because all I can remember is one of the stars of the play giving me “the eyes” and me just shaking my head because I had no clue what was going on.

So clearly not a theater genius or destined for show-biz in any way. That’s why starting a business in this media world was not something I ever thought I would do.

I’ve been a consumer of podcasts since about 2015 when one of my favorite radio personalities got fired from her morning show and started her own show as a podcast. Before having kids, I loved true crime podcasts. It felt like a thriller type audible book but real life!

After becoming a mom, I could no longer stomach some of the details in those murder mystery genres and had a desire to consume something more informational. After all, I was home with my kids most days and didn’t have the time or energy to shift through how-to articles, pinterest, and self-help books like I used to.

The pandemic was another factor that drew me closer to podcasts… I so longed for that connection.

The pandemic was another factor that drew me closer to podcasts.

I was one of the first among my friends to become a mom and I so longed for that connection. I went from consuming mostly entertaining comedy and The Office rewatch podcasts, to what I call the mom-spirational genre. Podcasts started by moms, sharing their experiences with motherhood (the good, the bad, and the ugly) and interviewing experts in any given field.

I devoured episodes on sleep training, breastfeeding, pumping, introducing solids, dealing with toddler outbursts… you name it. It turns out, podcasts are a great way to learn and feel connected to others all while having one airpod in your ear, tending to the kids, and unloading the dishes.

As I mentioned before, I entered the “podcast biz” by editing for other small mama-owned podcasts. I really got to know the ins and outs of what it takes to create, maintain, and monetize a podcast thanks to many awesome mentors.

This integrator role really helped me find fulfillment in a sometimes unfulfilling and mundane time of my life. I want to pass along some of the knowledge I have gained working with people in the podcast industry and break it down into simple, actionable steps.

I hope to offer solidarity, mindset help and comedic relief to you, in the form of this blog and to encourage you to take those next steps toward fulfillment. My goal with starting this business is not to gain money or fame, but to help others reach their business goals and to feel more fulfilled along the way.


The Importance of Feeling Fulfilled in Your Life and Career